

Our Commitment to Quality

At ABLE MEDICAL, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of quality in everything we do. Quality assurance is not just a practice; it’s a core value ingrained in our operations.

Integrating Global Quality Practices

We’ve meticulously integrated global quality practices into every aspect of our manufacturing activities. Our commitment to quality is reflected in various key areas, including:

Quality by Design

Our approach to product development focuses on building quality into every step of the process. This proactive method ensures that our products are not only effective but also meet the most stringent quality standards.

Quality Risk Management

We leave no room for compromise. Rigorous risk management processes help us identify and address potential quality issues early in the production cycle, reducing the likelihood of defects and ensuring product safety.

Product Quality Review

Regular product quality reviews are conducted to guarantee that our products consistently meet and exceed customer expectations.

Reliability and Certification

Our dedication to quality has resulted in a level of product reliability that consistently meets customer expectations. But we don’t stop there. Through our commitment to continuous improvement in our quality systems, we’ve achieved certifications from globally recognized standards. These certifications are a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality:


TIS.531-2558 By Ministry of Industry

ISO 9001:2015 By UKAS

These certifications underscore our dedication to not only meeting industry standards but surpassing them. Our relentless pursuit of quality and excellence is what sets us apart as a leader in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.